
Textiles teaches me to respond creatively to the world of fibres, fabrics and fashion, it combines the theoretical understanding, alongside practical application through sampling, designing and making using textiles technology. 

Pupils will experience a culturally rich course, which looks at fashion and textile design and celebrates cultural differences in fashion whilst maintaining dignity. Our pupils will learn basic sewing, fabric alteration and embellishment skills, which will help them now and in later life. They will explore learning a range of textiles embellishments, manufacture and design skills to produce final outcomes.  

Our KS3 curriculum has been designed to equip students with specific knowledge and skills in the creation of designs and products that might have a functional or non-functional purpose. 

Our KS4 curriculum takes the skills learnt at KS3 and develops this by exploring textiles through an art based curriculum. 

Through textiles students will:  

  • Promote creativity in the development of ideas relevant to textiles
  • Support learners to make connections with cultural, social, historical, contemporary, environmental and creative contexts 
  • Explain how ideas, feelings, forms, and purposes can generate responses that address personal needs or meet external requirements, such as client expectations and any associated constraints
  • Promote the ways in which meanings, ideas and intentions relevant to textile design can be communicated through colour, line, form, tone, texture, shape, pattern, composition and decoration 
  • Teach learners how to use Textile Design techniques and processes such as weaving, felting, stitching, appliqué, construction methods and printing 
  • Support learners to develop the use of media and materials such as, inks, yarns, threads, fibres, fabrics, textile materials and digital imagery
  • Encourage learners to be independent, reflective and have high standards. This will be ensured through the development of teaching pedagogy to give students a toolbox of strategies to overcome problems and become more resilient
  • Support learners to develop literacy skills in Textiles Design contexts with opportunities to read about and discuss design movements and trends