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Stow Talk Podcasts

Stow Talk Podcast Channel

Stow Talk is our very own podcast channel. Headed up this year by our fabulous on air talent of Julija and Josh, we have guest student speakers and outside speakers joining us to discuss a varied range of topics.

Students get to have their say about subjects that matter to them. If you would like to join us, we meet every Thursday lunchtime in Mrs Mylrea’s Office, Inspirational Futures. Come along and get involved, have your say, be a voice, not an echo!

Podcasts for 2023/2024

April 2024 – Respecting School Space – CLICK HERE

June 2024 – What We Think of Work Experience – CLICK HERE

Previous Podcasts 2022

Year 6 to Year 7 Experience of Transition – Click HERE 

How Does School Uniform Impact Individuality? – Click HERE

Race and Colour – Proud to be – CLICK HERE

Men’s Mental Health – CLICK HERE