


Stowmarket High School is committed to providing a broad, balanced, and inclusive curriculum that caters to the needs and aspirations of all students. Our curriculum aims to foster academic excellence, personal growth, and preparation for life beyond school. 

Curriculum Aims 

– To provide a comprehensive education that promotes the intellectual, personal, social, and physical development of each student. 

– To ensure that all students acquire the knowledge, skills, and qualifications necessary to succeed in a rapidly changing world. 

– To promote values such as respect, integrity, success and empathy. 

– To cater to the diverse needs of our students, ensuring equality of opportunity and access to learning for all. 

Curriculum Structure 

Key Stage 3 (Years 7-9) 

Year 7, 8 and 9 pupils follow our Key Stage 3 Curriculum.  Students are placed in mixed ability tutor groups and for the majority of lessons they are taught in mixed abilities classes. In Mathematics, Science and Modern Foreign Languages students are set according to ability; these decisions are made by each curriculum leaders.  

Sets are regularly reviewed with movement between sets occurring when appropriate. At Key Stage 3 the majority of students have 3 language lessons focusing on one language a fortnight.  A small minority of students have two language lessons, and one literacy lesson a fortnight.  Data from CAT4 and NGRT tests along with Key Stage 2 data determine the demographic of this group.  

All students in Key Stage 3 will study:  

  • English  
  • Mathematics  
  • Science  
  • Geography  
  • History  
  • MFL (French)  
  • Literacy * some students have an additional literacy lesson per fortnight  
  • Art (Taught on a carousel with Drama, Music and ICT)   
  • Drama (Taught on a carousel with Art, Music and ICT)  
  • Music (Taught on a carousel with Drama, Art and ICT)  
  • ICT (Taught on a carousel with Drama, Music and Art)  
  • Design Technology Carousel – students will study Graphics, Food and Nutrition, Resistant Materials and Textiles on a rotation throughout the year  
  • Core PE  
  • PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) Education   
  • RSC – Religious Studies and Citizenship   

Key Stage 4 (Years 10-11) 

In KS4, we offer a more personalised and flexible curriculum enabling everyone to find a combination of courses which complement their interests and talents. We can cater for the needs of all our learners, from the most academically able, to those with additional educational needs by offering three curriculum pathways. All learners can choose from GCSE and Vocational/BTEC courses.   

For most lessons, teaching groups will be of mixed ability. In Mathematics and Science students are set according to ability based on a range of data, with each of these curriculum areas taking responsibility for how they set students. Sets are regularly reviewed with movement between sets occurring when appropriate.  

All students at Key Stage 4 study:  

  • English  
  • Maths  
  • Science* (Double Award or Separate Sciences)  
  • Core PE  
  • PSHE  
  • Religious Studies and Citizenship (Year 10)  

Current subjects/courses that students can choose as part of their Year 9 options process are:  

  • Geography  
  • History  
  • French  
  • German  
  • ICT  
  • Computer Science  
  • Exam PE  
  • V Cert Sport and Coaching  
  • Resistant Materials  
  • Graphics  
  • Engineering  
  • Textiles  
  • Food and Nutrition  
  • V Cert Hospitality and Catering  
  • Art  
  • Drama – BTEC Performing Arts   
  • Music – BTEC Music Practice   
  • Photography  
  • Health and Social Care  
  • Child Development  
  • Business Studies  
  • Employability for Life  

Each year we look to evolve and adapt our Key Stage 4 offer so that it is appropriate for students in that particular year group.  

Please Note* The school reserves the right to make the difficult decision of no longer running a subject for a particular year group if it is deemed unviable. 

Personal Development

Personal Development

Progress, Assessment and Attainment

Progress, Assessment and Attainment

Curriculum Intent and Learning Journey

Curriculum Intent and Learning Journey

KS3 & KS4

KS3 & KS4

Option Process

Option Process