
Mathematics Learning Journey

Through our curriculum we are trying to achieve the following things:

To prepare students to be successful in their GCSE exams. For this we have an inspiring and coherent scheme of work that continually builds on previous knowledge, is appropriately challenging for all and encourages long term retention. Students are given opportunity to conceptually understand complex topics whilst developing fluency and problem solving.

To be confident and independent learners and problem solvers. This is achieved through our cyclic curriculum so that topics are revisited and extended throughout their time at the school. Lots of AO2 material is embedded into the curriculum so in addition to securing skills and knowledge, students are developing their thinking and application skills. Our homework expectations are such that students must work independently on retrieval topics on a weekly basis and can access revision material for upcoming assessments.

To inspire a love of learning mathematics. We have collaboratively developed a skill-based scheme of work that promotes problem solving, resilience and ensures full curriculum coverage. Common misconceptions and key teaching/learning points are included in all schemes of work to aid planning and inform student questioning. In addition, assessment for learning opportunities supports teachers in their interactions with students.

To ready students for the next steps of their life and provide them with opportunities to make the connection between mathematics and the wider world. This is achieved through homework, co curricula (including Further Maths Course) and our pathway 3 course which delivers a SOW on Finance Skills.