Core Values
RISE at Stowmarket High School
We believe that Stowmarket High School provides an excellent educational experience through good academic standards, a supportive pastoral ethos and a wealth of enrichment opportunities which develops the whole child. At Stowmarket High School we strive to inspire excellence by all and for all in learning and in life through a curriculum designed to inspire personalised academic excellence for students of all abilities.
Our ethos has four key elements. We know that positive relationships need to be at the centre of everything we do and students need to be able to demonstrate that they can be respectful, show integrity, be successful and show empathy in their behaviour choices and in their attitudes to learning.
We RESPECT one another’s right to safety and dignity at school. We will speak to each other with calmness, politeness, and civility. We respect one another’s right to clean, tidy and damage free environment.
We are honest, transparent and promote ethical conduct in all interactions in school. Students with INTEGRITY strive to always do the right thing.
We work toward a path to SUCCESS from gaining a range of skills, a passion for what we are learning and a creative confidence both within school and beyond.
We value being kind to one another. Using our manners and with EMPATHY and considerate of each other’s feelings.