
Statement of Wellbeing Intent

Moral Purpose

At Stowmarket High we are placing wellbeing and emotional fitness at the heart of our school, as it impacts on how we all feel and our ability to function. We aim to equip our staff and students with the understanding, skills, and experiences to lead satisfying, worthwhile and happy lives. We are taking a school wide approach to emotional fitness and wellbeing to provide the best possible experience for all our staff and students. We are committed to emotional fitness permeating every aspect of the school culture and experience and it being part of the language of education.

Our approach will reflect and foster the diversity of the staff and student community at the school. Emotional fitness interconnects with all aspects of working life and that every member of our community will experience emotional fitness differently.

We believe in teamwork; working with each other, with teachers and colleagues across the school, with the wider school community and most importantly with the young people in our school to build an environment where our staff and students can thrive, and where all aspects of emotional fitness and wellbeing are supported in every facet of the Stowmarket High school experience

As a school community we believe that:

  • Having a healthy mindset and being able to function day to day without unreasonable levels of stress/anxiety
  • How people cope with the normal stresses of life and what we can do to overcome any obstacles by ourselves or reaching out to other people for support.
  • Your emotional physical and mental wellbeing. Good emotional fitness means you can cope with day-to-day life
  • It’s on a continuum, ability to cope with the ups and downs that life may bring.
  • Emotional fitness is for me a person’s ability to manage their day-to-day stresses and know how to manage life’s difficulties.

Our moral purpose can therefore be summarised below:

  • Teamwork
  • Whole school culture
  • Interconnected
  • Diversity

What inclusion and effective emotional fitness interventions means to us.

  • The child stays at the centre of every conversation.
  • We prioritise those who need our help most, but we intervene with all.
  • When young people are here, we can support and educate them – attendance matters.
  • Young people learn best when there are clear rules and simple consequences.
  • Staff teach best when there are clear rules and simple consequences.
  • We use evidence-based practice for all our interventions and to help us monitor trends and plan improvements
  • Everyone in the whole school community will support staff and student mental health and wellbeing it is everyone’s role.
  • Staff and student emotional fitness and wellbeing is a strategic priority for leaders across the school.
  • Emotional fitness and wellbeing are everybody’s responsibility in our school.
  • Continue to review the school environment and culture to ensure that it impacts more positively on staff emotional fitness and wellbeing.
  • Work proactively in partnership with partners and professional services divisions to promote improved emotional fitness and wellbeing.
  • Deliver effective support for staff and managers that is easy to access and supports a wide range of staff needs.
  • Create a culture where student voice opportunities make them feel they are actively participating in decision making on things that shape their educational experience.
  • Create an environment that aims to further reduce the stigma associated with emotional fitness and promote positive emotional fitness and wellbeing within the school.

Meet the Emotional Fitness Team

Meet the Emotional Fitness Team

Help and Support Key Contacts

Help and Support Key Contacts



Social, Emotional Mental Health (SEMH) Interventions

Social, Emotional Mental Health (SEMH) Interventions