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Help and Support Key Contacts

Services and resources available to young people in Suffolk

With the pandemic affecting the wellbeing of many young people we are sharing a range of services and resources available to young people in Suffolk. We’d appreciate it if this information could be shared wherever possible.

The following services and resources are available to young people across Suffolk.


Kooth offers free, safe and anonymous online support for people aged between 11 to 25. It provides:

  • Virtual chat sessions with friendly counsellors
  • One-to-one text-based chats.
  • Peer-to-peer support.
  • Live online moderated forums.
  • A range of self-help materials.
  • Journals and goal trackers to reflect your thoughts.

There are no waiting lists or thresholds, just register on the Kooth website at www.kooth.com for immediate support.

Emotional Wellbeing Hub

If you or your friends need emotional wellbeing support, 0 to 25-year olds can get confidential information, advice and support from the Emotional Wellbeing Hub. This service is only available to families in East and West Suffolk. Telephone 0345 600 2090, (open Monday to Friday, 8:00 to 19:30).

Please note there is currently a high demand for this service which is affecting referral waiting times.

For more information go to Get emotional wellbeing support from the Emotional Wellbeing Hub (thesource.me.uk)

The Suffolk Wellbeing Service

The Suffolk Wellbeing Service offers a range of support for common emotional wellbeing issues, such as low mood, depression or stress. 

Telephone the team on 0300 123 1503.

More information is available at www.wellbeingnands.co.uk    


ChatHealth is your school nursing text service. Text a school nurse for confidential help on 07507 333356. This service is available from Monday to Friday, between 9:00 and 16:30, excluding bank holidays. More information is available at Home Page – ChatHealth


Moodwise is a website for 16 to 25-year olds that offers advice on topics such as mental health and relationships. The website address for Moodwise is www.moodwise.co.uk.

Teenage Mental Health

Teenage Mental Health provide advice and support to families with young people who are experiencing difficulties with anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, self-harm and other mental health issues. They also run free support groups for under 25s.

More information is available at www.teenagementalhealth.co.uk.

Self-harm toolkit

The Self-harm Toolkit provides support for those working with school age children and young people under 18 years of age in educational settings. The toolkit aims to increase understanding and awareness of self-harm, providing conversation starters, useful templates, points of support and a clear definition of self-harm. More information is available at Self–harm – Healthy Suffolk

Take 5 challenge for primary schools

The Take 5 Challenge is a fun challenge to improve wellbeing using the five ways to wellbeing approach.

More information is available at Wellbeing for Schools | Suffolk Says Thanks

30-Day What’s Up? 

Challenge for secondary school pupils. This is a 30-day challenge with activities for supporting wellbeing. More information is available at Wellbeing for Schools | Suffolk Says Thanks.

Stay Alive app

The Stay Alive app is a Suicide prevention resource for the UK. The app is full of useful information and tools to help you stay safe in a crisis.

More information is available at https://www.stayalive.app

The Source

The Source provides links to support and information for young people in Suffolk, about the issues that are important to them, including emotional wellbeing support. Access The Source at www.thesource.me.uk/wellbeing

4YP: Suffolk Young People’s Health Project

4YP is a local charity which provides and coordinates services that improve the social, emotional, and physical health and wellbeing of young people in Suffolk, aged between 12 and 25.  More information is available at www.4yp.org.uk

Suffolk Mind

Suffolk Mind provides resources for adults and children to help them stay well. Anyone who needs support can contact their friendly team by telephoning 0300 111 6000 between Monday and Friday. More information is available at www.suffolkmind.org.uk

General resources which you could also find helpful

Suicide bereavement support – Victim Support

Victim Support is a suicide bereavement service for people of all ages in Suffolk and North East Essex (except for the Waveney area).

This service is free, providing confidential support for anyone who has been affected by bereavement as a result of suicide.

Email at BBS.support@victimsupport.org.uk  

Victim Support’s national Support line service is available 24/7 on: 08 08 16 89 111.

Samaritans’ Step-by-Step

Samaritans’ Step-by-Step service supports organisations working with young people so they can respond effectively following a suspected or attempted suicide of someone within the community. Find out more at Step by Step | Samaritans

Physical activity and good emotional wellbeing

These resources are useful for encouraging physical activity and good emotional wellbeing: Movement and mental health resource card: Seven ways to improve your health and wellbeing

https://www.keepmovingsuffolk.com/wellbeing/movementandmentalhealth/.Hard copies are available by completing the short online form.

Movement and mental health e-learning resource:  https://www.keepmovingsuffolk.com/courses/thebenefitsofexerciseonmentalhealth/. Open to anybody from secondary school age upwards.

Other useful contacts

Campaign Against Living Miserably (C.A.L.M) – Male suicide prevention charity for men and boys. You can contact their helpline and webchat services which are available from 17:00 to midnight every day. Telephone 0800 58 58 58 or visit www.thecalmzone.net

Hopeline UK (Papyrus) – A national charity for young people at risk of suicide or who are worried about a young person. Telephone 0800 068 41 41 or visit www.papyrusuk.org.