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Social, Emotional Mental Health (SEMH) Interventions

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Our Oasis Offer

Trauma Informed Practitioners

Our Trauma Informed Practitioners support children and young people who suffer with trauma or mental health problems that act as a barrier to learning by providing relationships that heal minds, brains and bodies. Practitioners are trained in delivering a variety of therapeutic interventions whilst using the trauma informed PACE approach (Play, Acceptance, Curiosity, Empathy).

Bereavement support

We provide bereavement support for children and young people to help process their experiences of loss by having someone to talk to and providing activities to help them to express their feelings and cope with their grief.


ELSA stands for Emotional Literacy Support Assistant. ELSA’s support children and young people’s emotional development and help them cope with life’s challenges. ELSAs also help children and young people to find solutions to problems they might have. An ELSA is not there to fix problems but to help them find their own solutions and offer that important support to a child or young person. Relationships are key in helping children and young people to feel safe and nurtured. ELSA is about creating a reflective space for the child or young person.

Drawing & Talking

Drawing and Talking enables children and young people to express in a visual form, worries and preoccupations from deep in the mind that they often find difficult to talk about. It is a useful intervention to help children and young people who find it difficult to talk about their emotions.

The Mix

The Mix provides a School’s Youth Link Worker who works within the school, supporting our students by mentoring, running workshops such as Diadem and self-esteem and signposting young people to out-of-school clubs and activities. The Mix run a number of clubs outside of school hours including Drop Ins, Diadem Girls Group, Outreach Youth Work and Employability Support (The Together Project). They also offer holiday activities outside of term time.

Starfish Mentoring Program

Starfish is a Salvation Army mentoring programme working with children and young people in schools, aged 9-16 years. The aim of Starfish is to make a difference to young people, one by one. Starfish is a Universal Plus service offering early help focused on emotional health and wellbeing, including personal development and life skills. Working within a school’s student wellbeing support, Starfish provides committed and trusted adults to work with young people who need some additional support without which they would be at risk of not meeting their full potential.

Lego Therapy

Lego-based therapy is an evidence-based approach, usually carried out in groups, that aims to develop social communication skills in children and young people, such as sharing, turn-taking, following rules, using names and problem-solving.

Nurture Group

Nurture Groups are short-term, focused intervention for young people with particular social, emotional or behavioural difficulties which are creating a barrier for learning within a mainstream class.

EBSA (Emotional Based School Avoidance) Support

We have recently set up our EBSA, Emotional Based School Avoidance programme to support our students who struggle with school anxiety. This is a program run over approximately 12 weeks and is individually tailored to each individual student to support them with their return into school. The program is also designed to support students who appear at risk of becoming emotionally based school avoiders.


Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust provide a variety of appointment based low-mood based therapies either 1:1 or in groups for young people in Oasis. There are 3-4 practitioners that come into school regularly to work with our students.

Young Carers

On Thursday lunchtimes, our young carers can access our “Hot Chocolate & Chat” drop-in sessions. Here the young carers can share their experiences, catch up on homework and chat to our young carers lead. We also provide support and advice, trips and activities and link with the young carers support worker from Suffolk Family Carers.


We provide a welcoming and safe environment for members of our LGBTQ+ community. On Wednesday lunchtime we run a lunchtime drop in club for students to come along and engage in activities or who want to find out more about the LGBTQ+ community. We also work closely with Outreach Youth.


We provide a range of bespoke workshops in Oasis that cover subjects such as anger, emotional regulation, anxiety, sleep and exam stress. These workshops are either run by our in-house team of practitioners or by external partners.

School Nurse

Our school nurse runs a drop-in session every Thursday lunchtime where students can pop in and speak with her in confidence. She offers confidential 1:1 support and advice on a range of subjects such as self-harm, smoking, bullying, healthy eating, drug & alcohol. No appointment is necessary.