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Careers – Overview

We reserve the right to make changes to what is outlined in our programme.  Information is updated regularly on these pages, and reviewed annually, the next review will be July 2025.

We are aware that there is a lot of content across our Careers pages, our aim was to make our section as comprehensive as possible, this may seem overwhelming to you and if that is the case, our team are more than happy to answer any questions directly or help you navigate to the information you require. Please do just call our Careers Support Officer Mrs Mylrea on 01449 613541 or email on m.mylrea@stowhigh.com and we will be happy to help.

We have developed our Careers Programme to ensure that all our students will have the skills, confidence and inspiration to make the most of their life choices and follow the career path that best allows them to shine brightly beyond this school.

These pages provide a gateway to the numerous and ever-growing bank of resources to support our students.

  • Explore, Inspire, Support our Parent Zone
  • Explore, Inspire, Motivate our Teacher Zone
  • Explore, Inspire, Evolve our Work Experience Zone
  • Advice and a Slice
  • Quality Assurance
  • Student Surveys
  • Post 16 and University
  • Alumni
  • Careers Information
  • Futures Focus Newsletter
  • Employers 

Our Aims

All students will have the skills, confidence and inspiration to make the most of their life choices and follow the career path that best allows them to shine brightly beyond this school. Students leaving Stowmarket High School will be “the most employable students”.

At Stowmarket High School we are fully committed to providing our students with a comprehensive, innovative and future’s driven programme of careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) and work related learning (WRL) for all students in year 7-11.

Stowmarket High School endeavours to work towards the Career Development Institute Framework (CDI) for careers, employability and enterprise education and the Department for Education (DFE) Careers guidance and inspiration in schools statutory guidance (Jan 2018) and therefore we are working towards the 8 Gatsby benchmarks. 

Every individual in our school should be prepared for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.  Our Careers Programme provides students with skills, knowledge, support and experience of the world of work to enable them to make informed career choices and to help them build a clear vision of all the opportunities available to them.

We also ensure all our students have access to independent and impartial advice and guidance, this will support them in broadening their horizons, raising aspirations and reaching and realising their goals. Our level 6 qualified careers adviser Mrs Karen Cannard, is in school every Thursday and Friday to see students on a one to one basis initially focussing on Year 11 in the Autumn term.

Any student in Year’s 7 to 11 are entitled to and can request a one to one appointment with our careers adviser at anytime throughout the school year. To book and appointment, please either email m.mylrea@stowhigh.com or pop in and see Mrs Mylrea in the Careers Centre, who can organise this for you.

Our Strategy

  • To deliver quality, effective, impartial CEIAG
  • To monitor and evaluate all aspects of provision
  • To engage with outside providers of education and training
  • To engage with local employers
  • To promote employability skills through all areas of school life
  • To inform parents so they can support and help their children
  • To promote high aspirations
  • To ensure staff are sufficiently trained
  • To embed CEIAG and work related learning/employability in the curriculum
  • To put the needs of the students first

Our success will be judged by:

  • Students taking charge of their futures
  • Analysis of destinations
  • Student feedback on ability to make decisions
  • Career Mark Quality Award

Long term careers outcomes/development

  • Students ready for the world of work
  • Students understand life-long learning
  • Students resilient and ready to cope with change
  • Staff better prepared to help students
  • Careers education embedded in curriculum
  • Parents/carers more informed

Click here for a copy of our careers policy

Careers Lead: Mrs C. Broxton (c.broxton@stowhigh.com) 01449 613541

Careers Support Officer: Mrs M Mylrea (m.mylrea@stowhigh.com) 01449 613541

Careers Advisor: Mrs Karen Cannard  (careers@stowhigh.com) 01449 613541