SEND For Students and Families
At Stowmarket High School we hope to ensure that families are at the heart of the SEND department. Any concerns should be raised as they occur – please do not wait if you are worried. This can be done through emails sent to Mrs Broxton: or Mrs Gerrard: or by telephoning the school.
There are a number of ways that families can engage with our SEND team and wider school community. These include:
- Reviews for pupils with SEND: Pupil Passports are reviewed twice a year at designated tripod events for students on the Special Educational Needs register and the Additional Needs register. These are held approximately every six months for each year group within the school. Annual Reviews are held for students with an Education Health and Social Care Plan. The school encourages family participation throughout the assessment process. Families are invited to all relevant review meetings and may appoint a named person who can attend meetings with them.
- Parents Evenings: Every teacher is a teacher of SEND and will be able to provide up to date progress and guidance about their students and how they adapt their teaching to suit their need.
- Termly Check-in: Once a term, the SEND department will reach out to families of students with SEND to ensure that there are no concerns and to give an opportunity to touch base and ask any questions you may have that have arisen since previous contact or review.
Guidance for Families
Suffolk County Council maintain their Local Offer
The Department for Education provide guidance for parents and carers of students with a special educational need or disability. This can be found on the DfE website:
- SEND: guide for parents and carers
- SEND support: easy-read guide for parents
- SENDIASS offer support for families of young people with SEND
If you wish to learn more about a specific type of need, there are many organisations that provide relevant and useful information, a selection of which have been provided below: